首先 first of alito begin with
第一次 for the first time
某人第一次做某事时 the first time 句子
直到现在 up to no
从那时起 since then/from then on
在开始的时候 in the beginning/at the beginning of
同时 meanwhile/ at the same time
过了一会 after a while
随着时间的流逝 As time goes bv/on
之后不久 It#39;s not long before 就我而言 as far as fam coneerned
众所周知 As we all know/ As is known to all
另外,此外上 esides/what#39; s more/ moreover
更糟/严重的是what#39; s worse/more serious
结果 as a result/ therefore
我想 It occurs/ occurred to me that
也就是说 that#39;s to say/ in other words
说实话 to be frank to tell the truth 就是因为… Lorecause
或多或少 more or less迟早 sooner or later
为…树立好榜样 set a good example to
代表某人 represent(v)sb/ on behalf of sb(介短)
一方面…9一方面 for one thing.. or another
相反的 on the contrary/ nstead
总之 in conclusion/ in short/ in brief
关于选择去升学英语和我选择升学的理由的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。 选择去升学英语的介绍就聊到这里吧,感谢你花时间阅读本站内容,更多关于我选择升学的理由、选择去升学英语的信息别忘了在本站进行查找喔。
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